AA Intermediate 6


Jeroen van Ameijde studied Architecture and Building Technology at the Delft University of Technology. He has practiced in Holland, New York and Hong Kong and taught in a graduate design studio at the University of Pennsylvania. As Head of Digital Prototyping he has been teaching at the AA since 2007, working with various units and programs including the Design Research Lab graduate programme. He has lectured and taught workshops in several universities worldwide and is developing design projects with his experimental architecture practice Material_Codes.

Brendon Carlin completed his masters research in Architecture and Urbanism in the AA Design Research Lab, and an undergraduate of Environmental Design in Architecture, at the University of Colorado Boulder. He has worked for numerous offices including Plasma Studio, MAD Beijing, and UN Studio in Amsterdam and taught courses and workshops at the Berlage Institute and Harvard.

Written by aainter6

September 15, 2010 at 3:51 pm

Posted in Bios