AA Intermediate 6

Archive for July 2011

Projects Review Text

In-fill / Out-fits: Prototypes for Urban Dwelling

Intermediate Unit 6 has focused on a critical investigation into innovative design and construction processes through the application of urban housing scenarios that address contexts of limited resources, infrastructure and space.
Dividing the year into two interdependent phases, we started with the collaborative design and construction of 1:1 scale prototypes based on research into existing fabrication methods. Operating in a laboratory scenario our students worked in teams of three developing an adaptable casting method with corresponding digital design tools that offer a range of variable outputs. Aiming to produce a minimal enclosure the methods varied from fabric formwork (Quiddale, Wiktor, Golshid), to adjustable pixelated formwork (Kevin, Stavros, Yu) and from flexible jump formwork (Ariadna, Harri, Thomas) to prefabricated panels made from Concrete Cloth (Jihyun, Erez, Anand). Scattered around the AA the small structures explored a range of technical issues, geometrical configurations and spatial articulations.

During the second phase of the year we have put our concepts to the test, applying them into the extremely dense, integrated and networked context of Hong Kong. After searching for three-dimensional gaps within the city fabric, our prototypical structures have been reformulated in increased numbers that operate on a range of scales exploiting issues of grounding, verticality, site constraints and infrastructures.
Keeping a close link to our fabrication strategies the projects investigated how variation can be applied to construct units that adapt to the needs of their inhabitants. Through the selection of diverse sites and multiple interpretations of the programme the student work connects our technical explorations to a range of topics that vary from environmental and site-specific constraints to the programming of different apartment types, social classes and interaction spaces.
Furthermore, Hong Kong’s high-density scenarios have allowed the projects to explore design models that can negotiate between the collective project and the interests of the individual, projecting a vision of living structures that can grow and evolve over time.

Unit Masters
Jeroen van Ameijde
Olivier Ottevaere

Ariadna Barthe Cuatrecasas
Jihyun Heo
Thomas Holan
Wiktor Kidziak
Erez Levinberg
Anand Naiknavare
Quiddale O’sullivan
Stavros Papavassiliou
Kevin Primat
Golshid Varasteh Kia
Harri Williams-Jones
Yu Zheng

Software Workshops
James Chung
Yoojin Kim
David Reeves

Lawrence Friesen (Generative Geometry)
Riccardo Merello (ARUP)

Thanks in Hong Kong:
Kristof Crolla, Jason Carlow, Christian Lange, Jonathan Solomon, John Lin, Laurence Liauw (HKU)
Brian Fok (10Design)
Eric Liu (Redland Precast Concrete)
Juergen Schuster, Ivan Leung (Permasteelisa South China)

Thanks to our critics:
Martin Self, Piers Taylor, Stylianos Dritsas, Sawako Kaijima, Takero Shimazaki, Jonas Lundberg, Nuria Alvarez Lombardero, Francisco Gonzalez de Canales, Christina Doumpioti, Esteban Colmenares, Ines Dantas, Maria Fedorchenko, Nathalie Rozencwajg, Alvin Huang, Brendon Carlin, Chris Pierce, Thomas Weaver, Carlos Villanueva Brandt, Miraj Ahmed, Tao Sule, Michael Weinstock, Wolfgang Frese, Ryan Dillon, Eva Eylers, Xavier de Kestelier, Ingrid Schroder, Stefano Rabolli Pansera, Shin Egashira, Marco Poletto, Barbara Campbell-Lange, Theo Spyropoulos, Dieter Dietz, Andrew Yau, Abel Maciel, Chris Lee

With special thanks:
Brett Steele, Charles Tashima, Charlie Corry Wright and Family, Marilyn Dyer, Belinda Flaherty, Kirstie Little, AA Maintenance for their patience and support.

Material Sponsor:
Concrete Canvas Ltd.

Written by aainter6

July 27, 2011 at 11:16 am

Posted in Credits

2010/2011 Projects Review

Written by aainter6

July 26, 2011 at 5:41 pm

Posted in News